Store Contact Information

Your contact information is where you will receive correspondence on new bookings and customers on your web store. It is provided to customers to contact your store if required. This article will teach you how to:

  • Add store contact information
  • Edit existing store contact information

Add Contact Information

The contact information must be uploaded when creating your store. Read our guide on store creation.

  1. Navigate to the Store tab in the Admin app, under Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Click the create store button and fill out the rest of the store creation page.
  3. Enter your store email. This email will receive all correspondence about bookings, cancellations, etc.
  4. Enter the contact phone number of the store.
  5. Enter your website URL. If your Awayco web store is your main website, enter your Awayco URL instead.
  6. Click the create store button.

Edit Contact Information

  1. Navigate to the Store tab, under Settings in the sidebar of the Admin app.
  2. Click the name of the store to open the store editor page.
  3. Click the edit store button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Make the required changes.
  5. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

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