In-Store Fulfilment

By default, your store is configured so that customers will pick-up and drop-off their rentals to your store's location. This article will teach you to:

  • Enable in-store fulfilment
  • Disable in-store fulfilment

Enable In-Store Fulfilment

  1. Navigate to the Store tab, under Settings in the Admin app sidebar.
  2. Select the 'enable' checkbox.
  3. If you wish for customers to be able to extend their bookings, select the 'allow in-store bookings to be extended' checkbox. In the text box, write the number of days before the final day of their booking that a customer can choose to extend their booking.
  4. In the in-store fulfilment options text box, write the instructions for staff. This will appear in the Point-of-Sale app as staff check out items.
  5. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.


Disable In-Store Fulfilment

It is possible to restrict your Awayco store to deliveries only, to disable in-store fulfilment:

  1. Navigate to the Store tab, under Settings in the Admin app sidebar.
  2. Scroll down to the fulfilment options section.
  3. Deselect the 'enable' checkbox. The other fulfilment options will be greyed out. Ensure that you have set up delivery, or customers will not be able to make bookings.
  4. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

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