Product Categories

Categories are groups of similar products. These can be used as a filter by customers to search your web store. This article will teach you how to:

  • Create and link categories
  • Edit existing categories

Add Categories

Create Categories

  1. In the Admin app, navigate to the Categories tab under Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Click the add category button in the upper right corner.
  3. Write the name of the category.
  4. Select any related categories. These will appear as related products when a customer views a product on your web store.
  5. If you are creating your first category, you will need to create additional categories and edit them to link the new categories.

Edit Categories

  1. In the Admin app, navigate to the Pricing Templates tab under Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Click the name of the category.
  3. Click the edit category button to open the editor.
  4. Make the required changes. If you are adding new related categories, select these from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click the save button.

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